Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 27, 2013

This past week was pretty awesome! We now have six people set for baptism within the next month, with three more that want to be baptized, and we're just working out Word of Wisdom issues. It's really making me nervous with transfers getting close here. I sure hope that I don't get moved somewhere, and not be able to see all of these people that I've been working with be baptized. I know that wherever I go is where the Lord wants me, but I'd really love to be able to see everything we've done work out.

Last night (Sunday night) we had this super awesome fireside with a man named Herewini Jones. We brought one of the less active members we've been working with, and one of our investigators. It's hard to explain everything that he talks about, but basically he ties the Lamanites and Book of Mormon history in with the Maori Whakapapa. Or their lineage and family history. He does lots and lots of work with Pacific Islanders, Maoris, and Native Americans. It made me want to do loads of research into what he was talking about. Since the fireside was over in Te Awamutu, the missionaries over there got a new investigator from it. She actually went over to Elder Toolson and told him that she wanted to have the missionary discussions. Then she talked to Brother Jones, and he came to us and said, "That woman is going to get baptized." Man! We need him to come and do a fireside in Cambridge. It seemed to really get the two men we brought thinking, and so we're looking forward to following up with them tonight. Who knows, maybe we'll have a new baptism set and another less active become active.

The weather here this past week was pretty dismal; it pretty much just rained every single day, except for Friday. Thank goodness we have a car. One thing I do love about it raining though is that everything is so green! When you drive out into the country, everything is just rolling hills of green grass. It's like looking out on an expanse of perfectly green carpet. Pretty killer. Not to mention that it's calving season right now, so there's loads of newborn calves in all of the fields, as well as the regular herds of sheep that are everywhere. It all comes together to make everything quite picturesque.

It sounds like stuff is pretty crazy back home, and I'm sure everyone's having a hard time adjusting since I've been gone, but everyone just hang in there till I get back.

Well, that's all for now folks.
Love you all,
Elder O'Neal

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